Important Admission Events, Dates & Contacts for the Enrollment
Tuition Rates 2024-25
Grades | Total Tuition
July 1st |
Semi-Annual Plan
July 1st & December 1st |
Monthly Plan
August-May (Does not include $50 FACTS Fee) |
Pope John K-6 | $5,950 | $2,975 each | $595 each |
Shawe 7-8 | $6,100 | $3,050 each | $610 each |
Shawe 9-12 | $7,150 | $3,575 each | $715 each |
(Affiliated means that your family members are baptized Catholics who are registered and attend Sunday Mass at Prince of Peace Church.)
Non- Affiliated
Grades | Total Tuition
July 1st |
Semi- Annual Plan
July 1st & December 1st |
Monthly Plan
August – May (Does not include $50 FACTS Fee) |
Pope John K-6 | $6,100 | $3,050 each | $610 each |
Shawe 7-8 | $7,150 | $3,575 each | $715 each |
Shawe 9-12 | $8,250 | $4,125 each | $825 each |
Estimated School Choice Voucher Covers up to $6,233.72 (Madison School District)
Registration Fee – $180 per family (K-12), $75 per family for Preschool/Daycare only.
Multi-Child Discount: Shawe Students Only, Pope John no longer has a Multi-Child Discount.
Discount is applied at $500 per student beginning with the eldest child that attends Shawe. They must have a sibling attending Shawe or Pope John Preschool-12.
(Example: If 3 children are attending Pope John & Shawe. Then the oldest child at Shawe gets a $500 discount and the 2nd child at Shawe also receives a $500 discount and the youngest does not receive a discount. If the eldest is at Shawe and the rest are at Pope John then there is only one $500 discount for the eldest child.
Open House & Registration
Mark your Calendar for the Open House on Thursday, February 1, 2024!
2024-2025 Tuition Assistance Applications available March 8, 2024, & Due April 15, 2024.
Scheduling for classes for Freshman Contact Angela Miller 812-273-5835 ext 230
Academic Schedules for 2024-2025 School Year Sent to Students Contact Angela Miller 812-273-5835 ext 230
Contact the following for Enrollment Information:
Philip Kahn ’87
[email protected]
President of Schools
Bethany Fewell
812-273-3957 ext. 222
[email protected]
Principal of Pope John
Curt Gardner ’98
812-273-3957 ext. 228
[email protected]
Principal of Shawe Memorial
Steps to the Application Process
1. Contact Phil Kahn, Prince of Peace Schools President, in the Enrollment Office at 812.273.5835 ext. 245 or at [email protected] to ask initial questions that you may have and to schedule a tour and/or student shadow day.
2. Complete the Application for Admission including all supporting documents and registration fee. You will then be contacted to schedule an interview. The student’s official date of application is the date that the completed application, supplemental materials, and application fee are received by the Enrollment Office.
3. Parent(s) and prospective student will participate in an interview with a school official.
4. Parent(s) will be contacted by an admissions committee member about the final admissions decision. If a student is admitted, the Dean of Studies will contact the parent to complete the class schedule. If the student is not accepted the registration fee will be refunded.
Pope John XXIII’s academic requirements are determined on a case-by-case basis. While we do not immediately dismiss potential students based on previous activity, we do look over incoming student information to make a determination of the level of future success for the student. This helps the principal decide whether or not a student will be admitted into our program of studies.
When looking over student records we look at the following
a. Is this student in good standing with their previous school?
b. Does this student have any recent letter grades lower than a C?
c. Where is this student’s reading level compared to our existing students?
d. Has this student had tardy or absentee issues?
e. What is this student’s disciplinary record?
Wait List Priority
If a wait list is established, admitted students will be enrolled in the following order.
1. Registered Catholics in Jefferson/Switzerland Counties with a sibling at either Pope John or Shawe Memorial
2. A student who is a child of a Prince of Peace Catholic School faculty or staff member
3. Registered Catholics in Jefferson/Switzerland counties
4. Non-Catholics with a sibling at Pope John or Shawe
5. Registered Catholics residing outside Jefferson/Switzerland counties
6. Non-Catholics residing in Jefferson/Switzerland counties
Requirements for Special Needs Admission
1. Students must have written documentation of a disability or English language learner needs. This documentation must include the current IEP/ISP, current battery of testing that includes the student’s diagnosis, LAS Links English proficiency score or other relevant documentation.
2. Students must possess independent mobility.
- must move from one class to another, including physical education and lunch
- must be able to use a combination lock on a personal locker
3. Students must maintain appropriate personal hygiene.
- must be able to care for personal restroom needs
4. Students must be able to follow the Shawe Code of Conduct.
5. Students must participate in Catholic religious activities while at school.
- must attend scheduled school Masses and seasonal liturgical services
- must participate in four years of religion classes
6. Shawe Memorial Jr/Sr High School reserves the right to decline admittance to any student for whom we feel we cannot adequately provide services
Continuous Enrollment
Acceptance of the registration fee does not guarantee admission for the upcoming school year. The student’s academic achievements, behavior, attendance, and willingness to accept the school’s mission and philosophy are all factors in continued enrollment. In addition, all tuition and fees from the previous year must be up-to-date. Students who have been asked to leave will not be readmitted unless the administration makes an exception due to extraordinary circumstances.
Parental Authority
Any student enrolled at Shawe Memorial Jr/Sr High School, regardless of age, is seen as the responsibility of his or her parents/legal guardians. Even if a student is 18 years of age, the student may not take over a parental role as it pertains to any of our policies. A student is required to live with his or her parents while enrolled at Shawe. Any exceptions to this policy must have approval from the principal.