College Application Process

There are two options when applying to a college or university. The guidance office does not have paper applications. Please review the following information:


Apply through the college or university website: This application process begins with the student creating an account on a college/university website. Then the student completes the application online, in most cases students may save their work and submit when ready. Read the information on the website for detailed directions.

Make sure you print off the “Counselor’s Page” or “Secondary School Report.” Complete the top portion (make sure you sign it if required) then turn it in to Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Miller will complete this form and mail it along with your transcript. If the application does not have a “Counselor’s Page/Secondary School Report” please complete a Transcript Request Form available outside the guidance office.

Shawe is currently not using E-transcript. Mrs. Miller will let seniors know if this becomes an option this school year.


Use the Common Application: A select group of colleges and universities require students to use the Common Application. The Common Application is intended to streamline the application process for “member schools.” Students complete the online application once and can submit the application to numerous colleges. For some colleges completing the Common Application is sufficient. Others may also require supplemental materials such as essays. Each college/university will be different. Students must create an account and initiate this application process. Go to for a complete list of member colleges and universities. Students will enter Mrs. Miller’s information in the school counselor section of the Common Application which sends an email to Mrs. Miller allowing her to submit the student’s transcript and secondary school report online.

SAT/ACT Scores: SAT/ACT scores are listed on your high school transcript. Most colleges will accept scores from your transcript; however, some colleges require that scores are sent directly to the college from the test center (example from the College Board). It is the student’s responsibility to know the requirements of each college to which they are applying. Applications for admission will not be complete until the college receives your transcript and test scores.

Please pay attention to admission deadlines and allow time for processing through the Guidance Office. You should allow Mrs. Miller at least one week to process your transcript request. If you need help please ask. Make an appointment with Mrs. Miller.

Information you might need for your applications:

Mrs. Angela Miller / Dean of Studies Shawe Memorial Junior Senior High School
[email protected] 201 W. State Street
Phone: 812-273-2150, ext. 230 Madison, IN 47250
Fax: 812-273-2013 Shawe’s School CEEB code: 152-175

The Common Application

Explore nearly 900 colleges and universities using Common App.

Personal Statements & Essays

What is a personal statement?

Personal Statements are essays that you write for most college admissions applications and scholarship applications. They may be short essays (200-500 words) or longer essays (900 words).

Why do I need one?

This is your best chance to tell an admissions committee or scholarship committee about you. Use the personal statement to highlight your personal experiences. Statements also give reviewers a chance to see your writing skills.

What does a personal statement look like?

Generally, the personal statement should be typed, double spaced with a font no smaller than a 10. The essay should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Make sure you answer the question, check spelling and grammar. Ask others to give you feedback. Edit your work and make corrections.

What do I write about?

Some applications give very open ended questions. Here are some suggestions:

  • Why did you choose to apply to this college/for this scholarship?
  • What are your goals? Why did you choose these goals?
  • What are your values and philosophy about education? Why?
  • Is there one or two accomplishment(s), either in school or outside of school that you are particularly proud of? What have you learned from these experiences?
  • How do you schedule your time to include both academic and social activities?
  • What difficulties or disadvantages have you faced in your life and how have you overcome them? What is one area in which you are weak and how have you or do you plan to overcome that weakness? (Keep this very brief.)
  • Identify a leadership experience and talk about the most important lessons of the position and experience.
  • What makes you unique?
  • Other Essays

Below are other frequent college application and scholarship essay topics:

  • Why do you want to attend college?
  • What field are you interested in studying, and why?
  • What person or experience has had the most impact on your life, and why?
  • If you could have dinner with any one person, past or present, who would it be and why?
  • Describe your volunteer experiences and how they have impacted your life.
  • What is your most challenging and/or rewarding service experience?

This question is on almost every scholarship application:

  • Are there any personal and/or family conditions that should be considered when evaluating this application?

This is an opportunity to explain unique circumstances (medical issues, excessive absences, financial issues). Regarding financial issues, be specific about how much the total cost will be to complete your degree. Ask your parents to help you with this.

*Note: You may be able to use an essay more than once if you edit as needed.

Helpful Websites | Career Exploration

Helpful Websites | College Preparation

The ACT Test

  • Register for the ACT
  • Free ACT practice


  • Register for the SAT
  • Free SAT practice
  • My College QuickStart – PSAT review and practice

Common App

  • Utilize the Common Application to apply to over 500 member colleges and universities.

Transfer Indiana

  • The Core Transfer Library shows how credits transfer from college to college (including dual credit).


  • Search and apply for scholarships

Financial Aid | FAFSA

  • Apply for federal student aid for college with the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

Financial Aid | Federal Student Aid

  • Resources about Federal Student Aid

Financial Aid | FinAid

  • FinAid! Information about scholarships, loans, savings, and military aid

Financial Aid | College Goal Sunday

  • Financial aid professionals available to help students and parents complete the FAFSA.

Helpful Websites | Collegiate Athletics

NCAA Eligibility Center

  • View NCAA Eligibility Center eligibility requirements
  • Register for athletic eligibility at NCAA colleges


  • View NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletes) eligibility requirements

Helpful Websites | Service

Selective Service System

  • Selective Service—All males must register at the age of 18.

Army National Guard

  • Indiana National Guard service opportunities.

Today’s Military

  • Opportunities with the United States Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard.