Senior Calendar for College and Career Planning

August / September

  • Review career plans and decide what you will do after high school—4 yr. college, military, 2-yr. vocational / community college. Utilize Indiana Career Explorer
  • Register online for SAT or ACT as needed.
  • Research college choices: check college websites, schedule campus visits, attend information sessions at Shawe with college representatives.
  • Narrow college list to top 3 – 5 schools.
  • If interested in pursuing a career in the military contact appropriate recruiter. Take the ASVAB.
  • Make a list of tests, dates, fees, registration deadlines, application deadlines, etc. Mark your calendar.
  • Complete Student Resume.
  • Begin to ask teachers or employers for letters of recommendation to include with admission and/or scholarship applications. Provide each reference with your Student Resume.
  • Attend special programs such as local college fair (Southeastern IN Regional College Fair at Hanover College).
  • Check out what online college applications require. Work on admission essays.
    Start college applications.


  • Complete FAFSA beginning October 1
  • Take the SAT or ACT exam if necessary.
  • Visit campuses of your top college choices.
  • Find out the admission deadlines at your colleges of interest. Some (Purdue University) have November deadlines if you want to be considered for scholarships.
  • Continue completing college applications.
  • Keep Mrs. Miller updated on your college application process. Request transcripts as needed. Allow one week for transcripts to be sent.


  • Take the SAT or ACT exam if necessary.
  • Continue completing college applications.
  • Attend the College Panel at Shawe.
  • Be aware of scholarships that you are eligible to receive. Collect appropriate applications. Search for national scholarships/ask parents’ employers or social organizations if they offer scholarships.
  • Begin completing local scholarship applications.


  • Mrs. Miller recommends finishing college applications by December 1st.
  • Study for Shawe exams. Exam grades make a difference in your final semester grade—make it a good difference! Colleges that you have applied to will want to see your semester grades.
  • Continue completing local scholarship applications.
  • Parents: Compile financial documents in preparation to complete the FAFSA beginning Jan. 1st.
  • Parents: Attend Financial Aid Presentation at Shawe.


  • Request 7th semester transcripts be sent to colleges as necessary.
  • Continue applying for local scholarships.


  • Ask AP teachers about AP examinations.  Prepare for these exams.
  • Continue applying for local scholarships.
  • Prioritize your final list of colleges.


  • FAFSA Deadline is March 10th for Indiana residents.
  • Look for your Student Aid Report (SAR) sent via email. The SAR contains results from your FAFSA.
  • Contact each college financial aid office to find out what to submit to maintain eligibility for financial aid. Keep copies of everything you submit to the financial aid offices.
  • Continue applying for local scholarships. March is a popular month for scholarship deadlines.


  • Watch the mail & check email for college acceptances and financial aid award letters.
  • Compare the financial aid award letters you receive.
  • Make your final decision on the college you will attend. Send in deposit ASAP or by deadline. (Some colleges prioritize freshmen orientations/class scheduling/or housing preference according to the date deposit was made).
  • Tell Mrs. Miller what your final decision is—what college will you attend, military service, etc.
  • Check with the financial aid office at the college you have chosen about the details of signing and returning the financial aid award letter.
  • Notify the other schools where you were accepted that you will not be attending.
  • Watch for important deadlines (housing, financial aid, freshmen orientation, etc.)


  • Take AP examinations
  • Study for Shawe exams!
  • Request your final transcript be sent to your chosen college or university.
  • Inform Mrs. Miller of any scholarships you have received other than local scholarships, such as national scholarships, parents’ employer scholarships, or college/university scholarships.
  • Attend the Senior Scholarship Program and Honors Day.
  • Write thank you notes/cards to those who wrote you letters of recommendation and to those sponsoring any scholarships you received.
  • Know when the first payment for college tuition, room and board, etc. is due.


  • Congratulations! You have made it through high school. Enjoy graduation and this next stage of your life.

The College Search

Shawe high school graduate skateboardingStudents should take the lead in discovering what special talents they have, wahtthey are looking for in a college experience and how they best think and learn.

College Search allows students to explore colleges and manage their college lists online.

Explore College Search

Sample Student Resume

Tips for Letters of Recommendation

Think of 3 to 4 individuals who you believe know you well and could write a positive letter of recommendation on your behalf. Examples: Teachers from junior year or current year, coaches, work supervisors, friend of the family who works in the field that you are intending to study in college, alumni from the college you wish to attend, etc. References should not be family members or relatives.

Ask each individual if they feel comfortable and are willing to write you a favorable letter of recommendation. If they say yes, provide them with the information below. If they say no, thank them for their honesty and move on to the next person.

Give each person plenty of time to write you a letter of recommendation. One month would be great. If you don’t have that much time, give the individual at least 2 weeks! Check in with each person 1 week before you need the letter. Nicely remind them of the date you need the letter.

I suggest that you type the information below or write it neatly on a piece of paper. Give the following information AND your Student Resume to each person once they have agreed to write a letter on your behalf.

  • Student Name
  • Purpose of the Letter of Recommendation: College Application, College Scholarship, Local Scholarship.
  • Please write letter to the attention of ____. Examples: Admissions Representative, Selection Committee, Scholarship Committee, etc.
  • Directions once letter is complete: Return to student, mail to college, return to Mrs. Miller. Provide the writer with a date to have the letter completed. If the letter is to be returned in a sealed envelope or mailed, please provide the writer with the envelopes and stamps. If you cannot afford these items, please speak with Mrs. Miller.
  • Plans after high school: List colleges to which you are applying, intended major, career of interest.