
Alumni Benefits

As a graduate of Shawe Memorial and Pope John XXIII, you are automatically a member of the Alumni Association. As a member of this association, you are eligible to receive many services and benefits.  Please contact the Alumni Office at 812-273-5835 ext. 245 or [email protected] for more information about the following alumni perks.

Alumni Finder

We’ll try and track down your former classmates and facilitate your contact while maintaining confidentiality.

Transcript Request

Available through the Guidance Office. Contact Angela Miller  at 812-273-2150 x 230. There is NOT a fee for this service.

Get Your Mailing Labels

Let us help you with the creation of Shawe mailing labels for your reunions.  We can send you a class list in excel so that you can create labels for your mailings.


Need help planning your reunion? Need a current class list with addresses and phone numbers? Contact the Alumni Office for all your reunion planning needs.

The Hilltopper Experience

Make sure we have your correct contact information so that you can read up on alumni activities and events and updates on the school.

Follow us on Shawe and Pope John’s Facebook page

Keep up with the schools events and find other alumni on Facebook by following the Shawe and Pope John Facebook page.  See the link on front page of website.

Special Events

From Summer Festival – Alumni Weekend (Weekend after Labor Day), Shawe Athletic Events, Tours of the school,  Reunions or just a “small get together”, there is always a reason to come back to Shawe.  Please contact us if we can help.

Alumni Reunion Guide

Getting Organized

Usually two or three individuals start talking about their reunion but more assistance is needed so form a committee!

Since there are various components to planning a reunion, tasks should be divided amongst the members and any friends willing to assist. Classes generally have a steering committee of 3-5 members and then others are invited to assist with the details of the planning and execution of the event.

Suggested committees for reunion planning are:

  • Coordinator with helpers
  • Address verification and search
  • Printing/Mailing (includes letters, surveys & Invitations)
  • Event Organizer/Planner (on or off campus)
  • Food and Beverage
  • Liturgy
  • Publicity (social media, ads, mail outs, etc.)
  • Memory Book/Directory
  • Clean-Up

Reunion Information

If you would like to place your upcoming reunion on this site, send an email to [email protected], [email protected], or call 812-273-5835, x 245. If you have any pictures from previous reunions, please share them with us.

Are you ready for your reunion this year?

Your Classmates Have To Live Somewhere

Before you send your first mailing, contact the Alumni Office at Shawe Memorial to receive your full class list. This class list has been updated and is the most current information we have. Some committees have found it helpful to track lost classmates through any sisters, parents, brothers or cousins who may have also attended Shawe Memorial or they may still have local family members that can be contacted. . Simply call the Alumni Office and we will help you in your search. The list that is provided by Shawe Memorial High School should not be distributed or sold to any businesses; it is to be used solely for the purpose of contacting classmates for an exciting, fun-filled reunion.

Once all addresses have been verified you are ready to begin contacting your classmates. If you find information on some of your lost classmates, please turn this into the alumni office, as it may have an easier time finding your classmates. Specific information to include would be married names, maiden names, address, emails, cell phone numbers and birthdates.

Contact with Shawe Memorial Jr./Sr. High School

One alumnus from the committee, usually the chair, should be designated as the contact person with Phil Kahn, President of Schools, and he helps with Alumni Relations at Shawe Memorial High School. Call 812-273-5835 ext. 245

Contact with the Alumni Office will greatly help you in your planning process. Please utilize their services wherever needed.

Where and When Should We Have The Reunion?

The entire reunion committee should discuss various options for the event in developing a survey for the first letter that will be mailed to classmates.

The Schools Summer Festival on campus has been designated as “Alumni Weekend” and is a great weekend to plan around. Please know that he Alumni weekend will always be near the end of August and the date can be confirmed through the schools one year in advance of the next event. The Festival will have built in entertainment with live music on stage, carnival rides, casino, beer and wine area, food, games and fun. The school will also provide an “Alumni Area” with a tent so that everyone can catch up and enjoy the weekend.

The reunions can take place any time during the year and the school is more than willing to help in any way possible with your class. The school can coordinate tours of the campus or if a group would like to come and see the hallways, classrooms and any updates that have been done to the school. We encourage classes to come back and to walk the halls and reminisce about their high school days. Most classes do this on Saturday evening or Sunday before everyone would leave town. Please contact the Alumni office with the school for any questions.

Many local restaurants have extra rooms or meeting places for small events and have worked out well for recent reunions. Some classes have also met in the Shawe Student Lounge which has recently been named after Sister Thomasita Hayes in honor of her time at Shawe Memorial. Some local places that have been used for reunions recently are: Clifty Falls State Park, Harry’s Stone Grill, Red Pepper Restaurant, Riverboat Inn and Suites and many more. Please keep in mind that we would encourage anyone that needs a hotel room to call Riverboat Inn and Suites since the owner is very dedicated to the schools and supports the church and school. Please call and ask for the owner (Kathie Petkovic) if you would like to block some rooms for a reunion and ask for a Shawe Alumni rate. She will be happy to help depending on availability.

Riverboat Inn and Suites 812-265-2361 Be sure to ask for Kathie….

A Survey Will Help In The Decision Making

After you have identified your options you may wish to mail a survey to your class. No matter what time of year, you will not have the entire class attend but that should not hinder your efforts. Committees have sent out a survey as to where the class wants to meet and what month might be best.

Some other points you might want to survey the class on:

  • Should the event be a lunch, brunch or dinner?
  • Should spouses/significant others/children attend?
  • Should we request seats to be reserved at a weekend mass?
  • Would they like to help in the planning of the reunion?
  • Who would like to help with taking pictures of the weekend?
  • Would you like to plan a tour of Shawe during the reunion weekend?

Give the alumni three weeks to respond to the survey and/or update sheet. After three weeks, use the surveys to proceed with planning.

Mailings/Social Media

The Alumni office would be glad to send out the spreadsheet of names and addresses that we have in our system. We will also be willing to help you locate anyone that may be difficult to find. Many reunions are having much better luck finding people do to social media (Facebook and more). Please be sure to keep track of all updates on contact information and contact the school so that we can update the database after the reunion.

Liturgy Planning

Arrangements should be made with the Alumni Office for the set-up of the Mass. Depending on the number attending, Mass may be held in the gym during the Alumni/Festival weekend. The school would be happy to reserve any planned number of seats for attendee’s. We try to recognize any Shawe class celebrating their reunion near the end of mass.

A Class Gift

A class may wish to include a memorial gift to Shawe Memorial High School. During this time of memories of your high school days, we need to remember the current and future students of Shawe. A class gift is a wonderful way of showing your appreciation for Shawe High School. Hopefully, you would want everyone to be able to share in your Shawe experience.

There are many areas of need within our school and Shawe Memorial may designate for a specific purpose or for general use of a gift. Some suggestions for specific areas of need at present are:

  • Yearly Schools Annual Budget
  • Tuition assistance for students
  • Friends of Shawe and Pope John Endowment
  • Specific needs or projects of the schools

You, the reunion committee, should also help encourage everyone to contribute something to the class gift. Any donation to Shawe will be accepted and greatly appreciated.
The committee may wish to discuss the class gift with the Alumni or Development Office to help them in their determination for designating the gift

The Day Is Finally Here!

After months of discussion, questions and planning the moment has come. Congratulations and enjoy your event. We know that there is a lot of planning and hard work that goes into your reunion and we hope that you have a great time seeing all of your classmates and friends.

Alumni Reunion Information

If you would like to place your upcoming reunion on this site, send an email to or call (812) 801-1660. If you have any pictures from previous reunions, please share them with us.

Are you ready for your reunion this year?

Upcoming Reunions

Other classes to consider for 2023:

  • 1963
  • 1968
  • 1973
  • 1978
  • 1983
  • 1988
  • 1993
  • 1998
  • 2003
  • 2008
  • 2013
  • 2018

Community Events

We have set the Summer Festival on campus as the main Alumni Weekend. We will help you organize your reunion and offer you an Alumni tent for the Festival. Keep in mind the Festival has a lot of built in entertainment for you and your classmates. There will always be live music on stage, a full carnival with large rides for the kids, casino area, beer and wine area, games, food and fun. Feel free to plan one or both nights at the Festival or just have a meeting place to stop by and enjoy. Tours of the campus and school are always available. Please see much more information about reunions on the “Reunion Guide” page.

Please let us know if you are considering a reunion for the upcoming year and we would love to help.

Reunion Planning

Let us help you plan your reunion, and get you in touch with your classmates. Call us if we can help.

Class of 1975 Celebrates Reunion

They are standing over fellow classmate Frank Armstrong’s grave site.

The class members pictured from left to right are: Janet (Kessler) Youngblood Pam (Yancey) Zehren, Mike Ringwald, Lou Knoble, Pat Berry, Kathy Rousch, Andy Hentz, Ellen (Colussi) Miller, Mark Lovell, Cindy (Gauger) Cooper, Andy Craig

Alumni Connection

Get Connected

Keeping in touch with other Alumni is a great way to not only reminisce about years spent at Prince of Peace but also can be a valuable networking opportunity. Whether you are a recent graduate or a member of our inaugural class we would love to hear from you!!

This information will be used for the purpose of sending out newsletters and keeping our Prince of Peace Alumni database up to date.