Indiana Choice Scholarship Voucher Program Information

Significant changes in the Indiana School Choice (Voucher) Law make many more families eligible for either a Choice Scholarship or a grant from a Scholarship Granting Organization.  The state estimates that 90% of families may qualify under the new income guidelines.

The new law expands the guidelines to include a larger number of our current and future students. We now have the possibility of helping more of our families continue Catholic education for their students.  Please carefully review the changes to see if your family or other families you may know meet the new guidelines.

Scholarship Granting Organization-“SGO”
A Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) is a state-approved organization that may receive private donations from individuals or corporations to give scholarships to individual students who meet income requirements. These scholarships are referred to as “SGOs”.
Eligibility Guidelines – SGO

If you are a current Pope John XXIII or Shawe family who has not already qualified for an SGO and meets the current year income guidelines, you may qualify for an SGO scholarship award of $500.

Choice Scholarship-“voucher”

If a family meets income requirements as outlined, in the Income Eligibility Guideline document of this letter, the parents may designate that the state public funding assigned to their child will follow their child to an accredited non-public school.  Some people refer to Choice Scholarships as “vouchers.” For more information regarding school vouchers see the DOE guidelines at

Eligibility for a Choice Scholarship (voucher)

Your child may be eligible for a Choice Scholarship voucher if you meet the following criteria

  • To be eligible, a student must satisfy each of the following requirements:
    • Have a legal settlement in Indiana;
    • Is at least five years of age and less than 22 years of age on or before August 1 of the school year;
  • Meets at least one of the eight eligibility tracks; and
  • Is a member of a household with an annual income of not more than 400% of the amount required for the individual to qualify for the federal free or reduced-price lunch program?
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Additional Eligibility Guidelines for Choice Scholarship

School Choice Voucher Information page 


If you think you qualify under the criteria listed above and meet the income guidelines, please contact Phil Kahn at [email protected]  or by calling 812.273.5835 ext: 245