The Standard Dress Code of SMHS is based on our belief that students should
present an image that reflects a sense of pride in themselves, their families and
their school. In a society which places much emphasis on fashion, where
consumerism attempts to define social position and where self-worth is
established by price, label or the logo which appears on clothing. Our Standard
Dress Code stands as a reminder that the real worth of the individual is in what
he or she accomplishes with the gifts that God has given to them.
The basic uniform of Shawe Memorial is a polo shirt embroidered with the
school logo and slacks. The polos may be short or long sleeved. Sweatshirts
embroidered with the logo may also be worn. Acceptable colors of polos and
sweatshirts include solid green, gold, maize (soft yellow) and white.
Sweatshirts may also be gray or navy. Seniors have the privilege of wearing a
black polo with embroidered school logo.
Plain slacks (no patterns, stripes, etc.) Must be khaki or navy blue. Khakis
should be in the “tan” family and can range from light cream/tan to a darker
tan. Shorts may be worn but must be within 4 inches of the top of the knee.
Students are not to wear skorts or skirts. All clothing must be hemmed (i.e. no
frayed hems).
Any non-hooded sweatshirts, jackets, fleece or cardigan sweaters with an
official Shawe, Pope John or Prince of Peace logo or emblem that have a
color scheme consistent with our school colors, may be worn overtop the
uniform shirt during the school day. The principal has final discretion on what
is appropriate to wear.
Jackets, cardigans, and fleeces that are; issued by a sanctioned sports team or
club, have our school name of one or both of our schools, and have a color
scheme consistent with our school colors, may also be worn over the uniform
Shoes or sandals must always be worn.
Students may wear tee shirts or turtlenecks under the uniform in a green,
white, tan, yellow, black, and gray.
All clothing must be clean, properly fitted, neat and not tattered, as well as
worn with appropriate undergarments. The school logo must be in good
Clothing must be worn as it is intended to be worn. Slacks and shorts must be
the proper waist size and worn at the waist. No undergarments should be
Jewelry should be modest and conservative. No other piercings (nose,
eyebrow) should be visible and must be covered/hidden in some way. No type
of gauge earring may be worn. Tattoos should not be visible at any time,
including while participating in co-curricular or extra‐curricular activities.
All students should be neat and well groomed. Hair should be clean and neatly
groomed. Hair should be out of the students’ eyes. Boys’ hair may not be
longer than the bottom of the collar.
Hair Dying, bleaching, or tinting hair to an unnatural color is not permitted.
Extreme hairstyles are not permitted (this includes partially/fully shaved heads,
or razor cut styles).
Mustaches, beards, goatees or long sideburns are not allowed, and facial hair
should be clean shaven for Mass Days.
The administration reserves the right to define the meaning of inappropriate
attire and/or extreme appearance.
Dress Down Days
The student body will have the opportunity to earn dress down days. Dress down days should be viewed as a privilege, not a right. Selection of clothing worn on “dress down days” should not contradict Catholic values, specifically clothing with references to drugs, alcohol, violence, or sex are not permitted. Clothing should be limited to blue jeans or capris and an appropriate t-shirt, polo shirt, sweatshirt, hooded sweatshirt, dress shirt or blouse. Jeans cannot be faded and must be a solid color. Shirts must have sleeves and long enough to cover the midriff. Spandex material is not permitted at any time. Undergarments should not be visible.
Spirit Days
On special days during the year, SMHS will have Spirit Days to celebrate events. Students are permitted and encouraged to wear any Shawe Memorial Spirit Wear in support of these events. Students may also choose to wear clothing that is green and/or gold. All clothing must be clean, properly fitted, neat and not tattered. Shorts must be knee length. Tights, yoga pants, leggings, and tank tops are not allowed. Students always have the option to wear their uniform.
Dress Up Days
To celebrate special occasions, SMHS may have dress up days. On these days, gentleman must wear a shirt, tie and dress pants. Shorts are not allowed. Females must wear a knee length skirt or dress, and an appropriate top. All parts of the body should be appropriately covered. Students always have the option to wear their uniform.